Wednesday, September 23, 2009

It's never too early for a x-mas wish list

Sunglasses...but in nude.
And i'll gift myself with the hair.


  1. ill make sure to note those glasses for your BDay Xmas gift hahha! Are they half and half?

    Yay i like your random post, keep em comin!
    It keeps me entertained @ work to read YOUR blog post about RANDOMNESS that goes on in ur midget brain!

    *Have I told you...I miss you? I really really do.I mainly miss laughing at your jokes so that you feel funny (I mean u are but ur prob more funny to me, memeber thats why we were best friends cuz i laughed at you) andddd causing RUKUS with you. Ill come to Utah if we can go cause rukus annnnd u do my hair!

  2. if you can just FIND those sunglasses online for me to buy i would be the happiest person alive. for reals though.
    its so funny, i get in blogging spirts. i cant force a post, it has to be something i want to post about or else i get annoyed with myself.
    and NO, you havent. i love that you did. ( ok maybe you have, but i dont get sick of hearing it)I MISS YOU TOO T! we've had far too many funny times in our lives. i think about them...weekly? and i tell joe stories about the stupid things we've done... most recent, two words:
    ranch sunflower seeds
    GROSS! i still have not eaten any to this day. yes, come up and i will make your hair beautiful! really though, im good at what i do now.

  3. RANCCCCHHHH sunflower SEEEEDs! I actually had them at a dbacks game a couple months ago. I didnt have the same reaction you did tho, that was classic. Gilbert high somewhere left devon prairie doggin it.

    Im sure Joe loves hearing about all our adventures, I know I would. Did you tell him about the time I put ketchup on your blanket at my house and you actually CRIED cuz you were soo grossed out and mad. WUUUSSSSSSY!
    I love re-hearing our old stories and rukus causing. KEEP em coming.

    I must say I MISS (id never want them back but i miss them) My POS Oldsmobile car and your POS Explorer! Oh the memories i could prob type paragraphs about them both if i dont stop now.. SO ILL STOP NOW!


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provo, Utah, United States