Sunday, September 27, 2009

Hot R&B Girl Power!

Toilet paper nose! Me with allergies listening to...

shakira, she wolf. WOLF! Cannot get it off repeat.
And beyonce anyone? Let's be real, her music video was completely better than taylor swift. Makes you want to shop at Body Language. Utards are a must! The dancing is a must!
These girls got it going on.
-oh, and rumor has it that the "girl" on the right is a man. no man has a butt like that!

Beyoncé - Single Ladies from minas on Vimeo.


  1. girl you need to get yourself some cable! And she wolf is soo good! I think of tawny every time she howls in the background!!

  2. hahah YOU WOULD!
    YOU WOULD be listening to Shakira, ur idol, who you think you can dance like.

    YOU WOULD have toilet paper up your nose.

    AND..i want those headphones! GIMMME~

  3. Uhh excccuuuuuseeeeeee meeeee colby!!!!!!! I haven't heard this song..but i must i quess you guys are both ranting and raving and using me as thoughts when the song plays. IM NOT A DAMN COYOTEEE and I HAVE NEVER HOWLED! haha When someone is ripping ur freaking hair off of ur body with wax u would scream too. haha
    Memeber devon almost CRIED!

  4. Ohhhh and i forgot to tell you.. YOUR HANDS CREEP ME OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    You wanna make fun of my feet i can equally make fun of your hands, goes hand in hand! hahaha
    My toe ring is still rockin my 2nd toe, dontcha worry. Ill make sure to mail it to you when I choose to take it off! I dont even pay attention to it whatsoever, so im sure it wont be coming off until i have babies and my feet get all FAT and SWOLLEN and it HAS to come off baaahaaaa


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provo, Utah, United States